Our Vision
Many Voices, One Community.
We are a dynamic, inclusive and nurturing community and find holiness in being fully present for one another through life’s ordinary and extraordinary moments.
We seek to find bold purpose and deep connections through the creative exploration of avodah (prayer), talmud Torah (Torah learning), tikkun olam (repairing/healing the world), and acts of g’milut chasadim (loving kindness).
The wisdom of our Jewish tradition empowers us to re-imagine our lives, inspiring personal growth and encouraging a deeper understanding of who we are as individuals and as a congregational family.

We are standing at the threshold of an incredible and exciting opportunity! At a time when we see the landscape of Judaism and synagogues change around us, we are bringing together our collective strengths to create a community that infuses the deep roots of our past with a boldness to grow and envision a new path forward together. As a community that honors the divine image in one another, where Jewish values guide our actions, where we constantly strive to seek sparks of the holy in the moments of our lives, and where we can find a heightened and transformative sense of meaning, purpose, and connection wherever we find ourselves on our life-journey, we look forward to being on the cutting-edge of leading the way into the future. I look forward to partnering with our clergy, staff, leadership team, and members of our new synagogue family as we take this next step together, committed to inspiring generations of our families through engaging in study, prayer, and making a difference in the world.

Rabbi Jennifer Frenkel
Senior Rabbi
The only constant in life is change. The key to change is how we respond when it comes. That is the time when we call upon our faith. Not only faith in God, but also in the people with whom we share our journey. I am truly honored and look forward to the opportunity of working with the combined leadership of this wonderful new entity. When we bring to this change our core values and our combined strengths, together we will create, b’ezrat haShem, a rejuvenated progressive Jewish spirit in the South Jersey community.

Cantor Neil Schnitzer
Just as I was welcomed into this community with open arms, we strive to open everyone who wishes to be a part of this community exactly that way. Each and every person has that divine spark that lies within them to bring and contribute to our collective whole, and we are certainly better together. I strive, along with my clergy colleagues, to help community members make Jewish meaning out of special moments, and help to create something stronger Jewishly, than we could ever create on our own. L’dor Vador – from generation to generation we will continue to inspire one another and make our world better.

Rabbi Ariel Milan-Polisar
Assistant Rabbi
This is the moment…the stars have lined up…and the strengths of our two synagogues will unify to form a dynamic new entity. We are building something new, Innovative and exciting. Yet, there will be a constant…there will always be a constant and that constant is our FAITH. The Talmud teaches that the first step is the hardest. And it is. We have taken those first steps and will keep moving forward as we go from Strength to Strength.

Rabbi Jerry David
Rabbi Emeritus
Chazak, chazak v’nit’chazek! Be strong, be strong and we will strengthen one another! With open hearts and minds, creative and thoughtful vision, our unified congregation will serve us, our community and our people with renewed vitality and commitment. I pray for our unified strength and wisdom to move us forward in joy so that together we may Shiru L’Adonai Shir Chadash – Sing to God a new song!

Cantor Anita Hochman
Cantor Emerita