Boomers Lunch: Silver Diner

Join the Boomers Social Group for lunch at Silver Diner in Cherry Hill, across from the Cherry Hill Mall. Please register by March 16 so we know to save you a seat at the table. For more information, contact Judy Lubetkin. Sponsored by Boomers. All are welcome.

Purim, Pizza, and Pop

Kol Ami families are invited to join us for our Purim dinner, service and shpiel. 6:00 pm Family Pizza Dinner 7:00 pm Family Fun Service – Wear your costumes! 8:00 pm Purim Shpiel: Estie (Annie, the musical) performed by our Religious School students Registration required for dinner so that we can adequately prepare.

Red Cross Blood Drive

Kindness is in your blood. To schedule an appointment, visit (Sponsor Code: Kol Ami CH) or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). Walk-ins are also welcome. While the actual donation takes only about 10 minutes, please allow an hour of time for the entire process. Donors must be at least 17 years old, weigh at least 110 […]

CKA Art Show

Calling all Kol Ami Adult & Teen Artists: We would love to display your artwork at the Kol Ami Art Show on Friday, February 21. This year there is no theme. To submit up to 3 pieces, please contact Marlene Dworkin – [email protected] or Amy Bodofsky – [email protected], by Friday, February 7.

First Thursdays: Antisemitism – Where did it come from?

Antisemitism: Where did it come from? Haman, Amalek & the “Why” of Antisemitism Presented by Rabbi Laurence Kotok, D.D. Anti-Judaism and Antisemitism has been part of the Jewish experience from the biblical experience to the beginnings of Christianity 2000 years ago. Antisemitism has shaped our experience and self-definition through the Middle Ages until today. October […]

Blankets of Hope

Please mark your calendars for a making together session in the Kol Ami Rotunda.  It is such a powerful experience each time we join to create a blanket for a congregant dealing with a difficult time on their lives.

Gift of Life Donor Dash

Gift of Life Donor Dash commemorates 50 years of saving lives! Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime celebration of our life-saving mission. Join thousands of others in our 10K and 5K runs or 3K walk! Our team will participate in the annual 3K walk to raise awareness about Organ Donation. $15 per person Register today to join […]

The Great Sisterhood Hamantaschen Bake

Join us for Sisterhood’s sweetest gathering! Whether you’re a pro baker or a total newbie, come roll, fill, and fold with us as we celebrate this Purim tradition, laughter, and Sisterhood. You will need to bring the following items with you: • Large mixing bowl • Wooden spoon • Rolling pin • Large baking sheet […]

Volunteer at BookSmiles

We will be sorting books by the direction of BookSmiles employees. We may also bring books to donate. Advance registration required. Children 13 & younger must be accompanied by an adult. There will be a maximum of 20 volunteers for this event. Questions? Please contact Gaby Fish for more information.   The BookSmiles Mission: By […]

Alan Schorr’s “One Voice” Concert

World Premier benefit Concert featuring congregant Alan Schorr’s new album, One Voice – A Musical Journey To Civil Rights & Social Justice. Alan will provide complimentary admission to all Kol Ami members and their families as his guest. The concert benefits the TLF Foundation (Thinking, Learning, Fun), a Foundation that provides support for underserved South Jersey […]