
Strength in Sisterhood

we thrive with each other

Sisterhood is an active and engaged group of women of all ages and stages of life. Sisterhood is a vibrant and integral part of Kol Ami, connected through social, ritual, spiritual, philanthropic, and educational programs.

Sisterhood brings together the women of Kol Ami to serve our synagogue, and support and enrich each other’s lives by building friendships and affirming our purpose. Sisterhood strives to foster the highest ideals of Reform Judaism by addressing the needs of our community; locally, nationally, and internationally through our affiliation with the Women of Reform Judaism.


Be a Part of Sisterhood

We are eager for YOU to share in the vibrant Sisterhood of Kol Ami. If you are looking to simply enjoy the company of Jewish women, if you are wanting to volunteer your time, if you have programming ideas or questions about Sisterhood, please contact us!

Pictured l-r: Sisterhood Co-Presidents Amy Bodofysky, Lisa Weiser, and Tracy Goldberg.

Sisterhood Happenings

Women Affirming Women at Congregation Kol Ami