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Shabbat & Holidays

Our worship services create special moments of connection. Inspired by the Torah’s story of God resting after creating the world (Genesis 2:1-3), Shabbat celebrates creation and offers a respite from the hectic pace of the rest of the week. Shabbat is a day of rest, a day of pleasure and delight, a time that is set aside to take notice of the wonders around us.

We thrive on fully inclusive, participatory and inspiring worship experiences that balance kevah (the words in our prayerbook) with kavanah (the spontaneity and intention of our hearts). Music plays a major role in the culture of our congregation and is a key part of every service. We use both traditional and contemporary melodies, and we encourage everyone to join in as fully as they desire. We find great meaning and inspiration in joining our voices in prayer and song.

We use both Hebrew and English during our services, and our prayerbook is completely transliterated, so that everyone can feel comfortable praying with us and being able to follow along. We also livestream our services over the internet, so those who are unable to be with us in person are still able to feel connected to, and are still able to pray with, their congregational family.

We hold services and programming for our community with special needs, as well as holding alternative services, such as healing services, recognizing that people come to prayer with different needs and emotions at different times throughout their lives.

We strive to be a spiritual home where all can come together to mark sacred times during the year and in our lives; and we seek to be a safe space where we can leave the stresses of the week at the door, and enter into the sacred space of our sanctuary or chapel as we relax, study, learn, pray and sing together.

Songs & Supplements

As we introduce fresh songs, tunes, or readings into Kol Ami’s worship services, we are happy to provide the recordings and texts to guide you. Click the pdf/mp3 to download the associated file.

Riverdale Niggun

Riverdale Niggun (mp3)
El Adon (Riverdale Niggun) by Rabbi Josh Warshawsky

Shabbat Evening Service – April 12, 2024

Lechu Neranena

Lechu Neranena (pdf)
Lechu Neranena (mp3)
Shabbat Reenah – Cantor Neil Schnitzer & Betsy Alexander

Ma’ariv Aravim

Ma’ariv Aravim (pdf)
Ma’ariv Aravim (mp3)
John Quincy Adams – Cantor Neil Schnitzer & Betsy Alexander

Tot Shabbat

At Congregation Kol Ami we deeply value the meaning of l’dor vador, from generation to generation, being able to come together across the ages and celebrate Shabbat and holidays together.

Once a month, according to schedule, toddlers and their families worship together. These services are geared to children from infants through Kindergarteners and are focused on different themes based on that month’s holidays or Torah portions. We even celebrate birthdays.

Our Tot Shabbat evenings are often preceded by family pizza dinners and include crafts and child-friendly snacks. Grandparents are also welcome to attend these joyful sessions.


Purim is a joyous holiday that affirms and celebrates Jewish survival and continuity throughout history. The main communal celebration involves a public reading of the Book of Esther (Megillat Esther), which tells the story of the holiday: Under the rule of King Ahasuerus, Haman, the king’s adviser, plots to exterminate all of the Jews of Persia. His plan is foiled by Queen Esther and her cousin Mordechai, who ultimately save the Jews of Persia from destruction.

To mark this playful holiday, our clergy lead a playful “Dis”Service for which attendees comes in costume and ready to “Boo!” at every mention of Haman’s name. Following the festival service, the Religious School students (Grades 6 and up) perform an original Purim Shpiel, a musical re-telling of the Megillah.

Chanukah Shabbat

Chanukah is a festive eight-day celebration that for many people falls during the darkest, coldest season of the year. Also called the Festival of Lights, the holiday brings light, joy, and warmth to our homes and communities and is celebrated nightly with a menorah lighting, special prayers and fried foods.

Chanukah, meaning “dedication” in Hebrew, commemorates the incredible victory of a small group of Jewish rebels (led by Judah Maccabee) over the armies of Syria in 165 B.C.E. When the Jews sought to rebuild the destroyed Holy Temple in Jerusalem, they lit the menorah and, miraculously, the one-day supply of oil lasted for eight days, inspiring the Jewish sages to proclaim a yearly eight-day festival.

The Congregation Kol Ami Family celebrates the warmth of the holiday with a communal candle lighting on the Shabbat that falls during the holiday.


On Shabbat We Honor…

Throughout the year, we honor various groups during our weekly Shabbat services. We recognize passionate community groups and dedicated individuals working tirelessly to better Congregation Kol Ami and the surrounding community.

Teachers, Caring Community volunteers, and Social Justice advocates are just some of those who give of their time to the sacred work of tikkun olam (repairing the world) and gemilut chasadim (acts of loving-kindness). We are proud to celebrate these very special people during our Shabbat services.

Services are Special at Congregation Kol Ami