Murray Savar z"l


Murray Savar was a liturgical musician, pianist and cantorial soloist. A graduate of Central High School of Philadelphia and Gratz College High School Division (Hebrew school teacher certification), Savar attended Temple University College of Music (Bachelor of Music Education). During college, he  taught Hebrew School at Beth Tikvah-B’nai Jeshurun in Erdenheim, PA. He completed a graduate music pedagogy study in Hungary. Savar taught at The Agnes Irwin School in Rosemont, PA, since 1977, where he taught music in both the lower and upper schools, directed choral ensembles, was the chair of the Visual and Performing Arts Department.

Murray was a polyglot with varying degrees of proficiency in Hebrew, French, Spanish, German, Hungarian, and is now studying Mandarin Chinese! His hobbies included biking, European travel, yoga, backgammon.

May his memory be a blessing.

Congregation Kol Ami