
Making Judaism Accessible

Kol Ami connects with all learners

Our goal is to make Judaism accessible to all, regardless of ability or disability. We pride ourselves on being a “house of prayer for all people” (Isaiah 56:5). 

Inclusion Coordinator
Adam Roth, Inclusion Coordinator, works with Kol Ami teachers to ensure they have the tools needed to make each child successful in the classroom.

Madrichim Team
This program introduces the educational strategies that are most effective with diverse learners. Once a month training is given to the team. 

These teachers will be part of our Religious School to provide individual or small group instruction for those students who need extra support beyond the regular classroom. 


Here for You

Inclusion Coordinator Adam Roth is proud to make Judaism accessible to all. He relishes the opportunity to engage with Kol Ami’s school community, from students and families, to phenomenal teachers and dynamic clergy team to ensure that every student finds their unique connection to their faith.

Pictured: Adam (left) celebrates Purim with Director of Education, Sheri Greenblatt

Kol Ami Love