L'shanah Tovah

High Holy Days 5785/2024

L'shanah Tovah U'metukah

The Rabbis, Cantors, Officers, Board of Trustees and Staff of Congregation Kol Ami wish you and your family L’shanah Tovah U’metukah  a happy, healthy and sweet New Year.

Membership Forms

Membership Forms MUST be completed order to receive your High Holy Day tickets. If you haven’t done so already, please submit your forms today!

HHD Service Schedule

Our High Holy Day service schedule is available here for download. Tickets are required for most services, while others are open to the community.

Book of Remembrance

Memorialize loved ones by including their names in Mishkan shel Zichronot. Submissions for inclusion are due Monday, September 9.


Babysitting for ages 2-5 is available on Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur during our 9:00 am & 11:00 am Services. Registration is required by Friday, September 13.

Special Accommodations

Handicap parking, early/wheelchair seating, hearing assist devices, and caregiver tickets are available. Submit your request by Friday, September 13.

Borrow Prayerbooks

If you will be viewing services via livestream and wish to borrow a set of Mishkan HaNefesh prayerbooks, please contact the synagogue office.

Food Drive

In support of the Betsy & Peter Fischer Food Pantry, food and requested item donations may be dropped off at Kol Ami. Collection: September 23 – October 13.

Guest Tickets

Sharing the High Holy Days with unaffiliated family or friends? With Guest Tickets, they can join you in marking the new year at any of our services.


If you wish to request a Letter of Reciprocity, or want to inquire about obtaining tickets for guests with reciprocity, please contact the main office.

Memorial Room

Our Memorial/Holocaust Room is a space in which we can remember those we hold dear. Purchase a permanent plaque or share the memory of loved ones via our digital Yahrzeit Memorial Board.

High Holy Day Appeal

Your High Holy Day pledge helps to sustain us all, from generation to generation, l’dor vador. No contribution is too small – or too big! – and every gift is appreciated.

Wishing You A Sweet New Year