Support A Fund
We Appreciate Your Support
Please consider celebrating a simcha or memorializing a loved one by donating to one of Congregation Kol Ami’s deserving funds described below.
If you have any questions, please contact, call the synagogue office at 856-489-0029, or stop by during regular business hours.
Abraham & Sylvia Angstreich Beautification Fund* – Keeps our synagogue safe, secure, and beautiful for generations to come.
Ahavat Limud (Love of Learning) – Established by Sisterhood to support special programming and activities in the Religious School.
Amy Silvers Israel Trip Scholarship Endowment Fund* – Provides scholarships to assist congregant families in sending their children on the Confirmation class Israel trip or a similar peer trip to Israel.
Branfman Children’s Library Fund – Assists in purchasing books for the Branfman Children’s Library, and for supporting speakers for children’s programs.
Cantor Anita F. Hochman Choir Fund – Helps choir to expand their activities.
Cantor Neil Schnitzer Cantorial Fund – Enhances the music and cantorial elements of services and programs.
Chasen Family Kulanu (LGBTQ+) Fund – Provides for programming, education, and support needs for our LGBTQ+ community.
Clifford R. Levine Adult Education Fund — Supports educational programming for adults.
College Connection Fund — Supports the relationship between college-age students and the synagogue through mailings, packages and programs.
Dorman-Raich Senior Fund – Enhances senior programming.
E. Soslow Endowment Fund – Supports Scholar-in-Residence programs and scholarship for a graduating senior each year.
Frisch-Trautenberg Choir Fund – Supports the choir and other musical programs
Geraldine Gabriel Resource Room Fund – Assists children with different learning styles in our Religious School.
Helen & Leon Weinberg Scholar-in-Residence Endowment Fund* – Supports the biennial Scholar-in-Residence program.
High Holy Day Prayerbook Book Plates – Dedicate volumes of our HHD prayerbook, Mishkan HaNefesh.
Honorable Steven P. Burkett Graduate Fund – Supports the ten-year free membership offered to post-confirmation graduates.
Howard & Rhonda Weinberg Outdoor Chapel Fund – Provides support for the creation and maintenance for the Weinberg Outdoor Chapel.
Janice Israel Youth Fund – Enhances educational and recreational opportunities for youth.
Jeanie Wood Educator Fund – Supports our ECC teachers with supplies, programs, and resources.
Jeffrey Halper Memorial Fund – Established by Carole and Art Halper in memory of their beloved son, to support building needs for children.
Jeremy Kane Gift of Israel Fund – Underwrites the costs of the Confirmation class Israel trip.
Kleiman/Gottlieb Special Needs Fund – Supports special needs education and programming.
Liheyot Fund – Supports an accessible environment within the congregation for those with disabilities.
Louis & Helene E. Walker Social Action Endowment Fund* – Directly supports the work and programs of the Social Action Committee.
Lynne Rednik Early Childhood Center Fund – Supports creative programming for our Early Childhood Center students.
Margie & Joe Sobel Family Assistance – Allows the synagogue to provide warm and caring education and programming for families that otherwise could not participate.
Merle Steinberg Religious School Scholarship Fund – Provides tuition assistance and programming for our Religious School students.
Muss and Feinerman Chesed – Enables our children to attend a Jewish camp or other youth program.
Rabbi Richard F. Address Caring Community Fund – Supports efforts to make our synagogue more compassionate and inclusive.
Rabbi David Education Fund – Enhances Religious School education from Kindergarten through Hebrew High School graduation.
Rabbi David Good Works Fund* – At the discretion of the Rabbi, funds are distributed to worthy charitable and cultural activities and to those who may need assistance.
Rabbis’ Good Works Fund* – Supports worthy and charitable causes at the discretion of the Rabbis.
Rabbi Newburge Tzedakah Collective Social Action Fund – Supports worthy charitable activities within the community.
Ravi Bloom Memorial Endowment Fund* – Provides a scholarship to an annually selected Religious School “mensch” (Grade 9-12), enabling them to pursue a passion.
Ruth B. Wolf Archive Fund – Protecting our history for future generations.
Social Action Refugee Assistance Fund – Helps refugees and other humanitarian immigrants with direct resettlement needs.
Stanton Deitch President’s Fund – Provides financial assistance for President or other members of executive committee to attend conferences or obtain leadership training.
Starlight Foundation – Helps build an endowment to support synagogue educational and cultural activities.
Tefilah Fund – Enables purchasing of enhancements to prayer services.
Thelma & Donald Spivack Creative Arts and Artist-in-Residence Endowment Fund* – Supports the advancement of the creative arts and appearance of creative artists for our Artist-in-Residence program.
Warren & Doris Elias Special Needs Endowment Fund* – Supports the inclusion of individuals with special needs & their families in congregational life.
Yahrzeit Memorial Fund – Remember beloved family and friends.
Funds noted by an asterisk (*) are restricted funds – that is, contributions are used solely for the fund’s stated purpose. Contributions to all other synagogue funds ensure support of specific activities, as well as general congregational needs.