Purim Carnival
Shushan Disco Purim Carnival
Sunday, March 5
11:30 am – 1:30 pm: Shushan Disco Purim Carnival
1:30-2:00 pm: Quiet Carnival – A less stimulating event for those wishing a calmer atmosphere.
Games! Prizes! Crafts! Bounce House!
Come in costume to celebrate Purim together!
Fun food & drinks will be available for purchase.
Open to the community – bring friends!
• Early Bird Pricing by February 26: $10 per child, ages 3+
• After February 26: $15 per child, ages 3+
• Children under 3 and Adults are FREE
Purchase Carnival tickets in advance.
Children must be accompanied by an adult; this is NOT a drop-off event.
Todah Rabah – Thank You:
Steve & Linda Angstreich
Chiropractic Family Practice
Dr. Eric Stofman
Emerald Business Supply
Ellen & Gary Krause
Max & Sadie Riviello
Janine & Mark Sobel
Marla & Gary Vecchio
Sarah & David Zalcmann
Platinum Sponsors:
Sharla & Barry Feldscher
The Hurwitz Family
Marc & Susan Witte
Diamond Sponsor:
Apple Physical Therapy
Gold Sponsors:
Maya Felsenstein Group Real Estate
Michele Zeldner & Ian Wachstein
Silver Sponsor:
The Dutkin Family
In-Kind Donors:
Bagel Spot
Linda Burkett
Elizabeth Goldman of Elle Boogie Entertainment
Jodi & Neil Levine
Ken Romm Photography
Merle Steinberg
Stephanie Zinn
Religious School Families
Purim Carnival Committee:
Stacy Coulter
Kenny Einhorn
Ellen Feist
Jill Moghadam
Stephanie Riviello
Merle Steinberg
Amy Sussman
Lisa Taylor
Stephanie Zinn