Home Events - Congregation Kol Ami Adult Education First Thursdays: How Jewish Music Became Mainstream

First Thursdays: How Jewish Music Became Mainstream

How Jewish Music Influenced the Music of Mainstream America
with Ira S. Miller, Ph.D.

Whether the source comes from Jewish Folk Songs or our Liturgy, Jewish music has found its way into America’s Popular Music and even some classical music we grew up with as Americans. Sometimes ideas or philosophies from a Jewish source inspire music written by Jews and non-Jews that become popular. Sometimes, non-Jewish performers choose to sing Jewish songs intact. And sometimes melodies from Yiddish Songs or Jewish Liturgical Music are taken out of their original context to be transformed into popular American song.

Through a mix of lecture and musical example, we will look at the how and why behind the emergence of Jewish music in our American popular culture. Although this session is hybrid, listening to the music in this presentation is best experienced in-person.

No cost for congregants; $15 for non-congregants.
Registration is requested by November 5.


First Thursday programs bring you guest speakers, including congregants and rabbis from around the country, to share their expertise on topics of interest. We will also include several discussions of films with Jewish themes.

Sponsored by our Adult Education Committee.


Nov 07 2024


7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

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Hybrid: Zoom & In-Person at Kol Ami


Adult Education Committee