At The Well: Simchat Chochmah

At The Well – A new program series for adults promoting renewal, health, and wellbeing of mind, body, and spirit through a Jewish lens.

What is Simchat Chochmah? A Ritual to Celebrate Aging

Discussion led by Rabbi Richard Address & Rabbi Jennifer Frenkel
One of the most interesting new rituals to emerge in recent years is the Simchat Chochmah, a statement of gratitude and thanks for having reached a certain age (geared to those 50+). It is a personal statement of one’s appreciation for having lived and learned and a wish and prayer that one’s future will be one of continued growth and fulfillment. Kol Ami, as part our evolving At The Well program, invites you to be part of our first Simchat Chochmah cohort. If you are interested in becoming part of this project, or simply learning more about it, you are invited to this informational meeting.

This evening program will also feature a discussion introducing the concept of “Wisdom Circles” as discussed in the book “Wise Aging” – groups of roughly 20 adults (geared to those 50+) committed to meeting monthly and discussing the joys and challenges of aging and sharing personal journeys with one another.

Kindly register to attend (coming soon).
This program is for Kol Ami members only.

Presented in partnership with our Adult Education Committee.


Dec 09 2024


7:30 pm - 9:00 pm


Hybrid: Zoom & In-Person at Kol Ami


Congregation Kol Ami