Engage & Feel Connected
Enhance your interests
Get Involved!
The Congregation Kol Ami Family has many interests and offers a wide variety of activities. There’s something for everyone and plenty of opportunity to get involved. Join a social group, continue your Jewish education, work to repair the world, or use your professional skills to help our congregation run smoothly. All these activities provide the opportunity to get to know your fellow congregants, and to form the friendships that truly will make Kol Ami your second home.
Your calendar can be as filled as you want it to be! Whether you spice up your time with Sisterhood, Men’s Club, Softball or Kosher Pickleball, or expand your knowledge with our Adult Education programs, we offer the recipe – and actual cooking recipes, too! – for a complete menu of social, informational, and inspirational endeavors.

Tikkun Olam
Our Social Action and Caring Community Committees offer avenues of participation to serve our congregants and community while serving the tenets of tikkun olam, repairing the world.
Sisterhood is an active and engaged group of Jewish women of all ages and stages of life. Sisterhood is vibrant and integral part of our congregation, connected through social, spiritual, philanthropic and educational programs.
Men's Club
Men’s Club promotes fellowship through various social, educational, religious, and community service activities. The group is committed to working with the congregation and clergy to better the community, our synagogue, and ourselves.

The Boomers are comprised of members born between 1946-1964. We meet and participate in a variety of secular events (hikes, book clubs, luncheons, and such) and attend congregational events together as a generational group.

Kulanu / "All of Us"
We are a group of LGBTQ+ folx and allies affiliated with Congregation Kol Ami and the Jewish community. Our group engages in many activities from fundraising for associated causes, to informational discussions and speakers, and even happy hours. All are welcome.

We are always looking for helpers! Our office staff can let you know where your time and efforts are best spent.
Kosher Pickleball
Kosher Pickleball is a fun, social, co-ed pickleball league that started in August 2021, and is open to Congregation Kol Ami adult members, ECC parents, and friends and family. Whether you’ve never played before or are an advanced pickleball player, there is a spot for you on the court!
Congregation Kol Ami Commitment to Inclusion
We are dedicated to ensuring Judaism is accessible to all. We welcome and support individuals with disabilities of all ages, their families and caretakers, to engage in all aspects of congregational life. We make every effort to ensure our programs, equipment, and facilities are accessible. Please phone or email us if you have any questions or would like to request an accommodation.