L'dor Vador

Inspiring Generations

Chazak, chazak v’nitchazek!

Be strong, be strong, and we will strengthen one another!

At Congregation Kol Ami,  our clergy boldly imagine and engage in the sacred work of creating a synagogue that is a strong and cutting-edge leader in moving progressive Judaism into the future. At the same time, they expertly energize our rituals, holding onto those “touchstones” that make a place and a people feel like home.

Our clergy helps us find renewed meaning and purpose, seek inspiration, and build life-long friendships. Our clergy leads us in making a difference in our building and beyond our walls. In a world that can be challenging and isolating, we show up for one another, see the divine image in one another, and share in transformative experiences that bring us even closer together. While there is much work to do, our clergy leads Congregation Kol Ami’s commitment to being a place, a home, a family, where holiness resides.

Hinei mah tov u’mah nayim shevet achim gam yachad.
Behold how good and pleasant it is for us to dwell together.


Our Clergy Strengthens Our Community.