What They Are Saying...

Rick and I are so happy to be involved in a variety of ways at Kol Ami. As empty-nesters, finding meaningful ways to volunteer, participate in spiritual education and worship experiences and being a part of a caring community are important to us. We have found a home with Congregation Kol Ami that is truly special to us.
— Lisa Weiser

Kol Ami is helping us to raise children who love learning about their Jewish heritage and celebrating Jewish holidays. We currently have a child enrolled in the ECC, and we enjoy attending Tot Shabbat, Pajama Storytime, and other events for young families. The clergy are not only brilliant, but also kind and amazing with children. We are excited for our older child to start religious school in the fall.
— The Zaum Family

Kol Ami is the perfect fit for me! My love for singing directed me straight to our incredible choir family under the wonderful leadership of our Cantor. As a former board member and committee chair, I love now serving as one of the Membership co-chairs. I am always happy to say Hineni (I am here!), whenever asked for my help. Life at Kol Ami is great – services, special events and making new friends… Being a Kol Ami member is a gift. Join me on Shabbat, I will always save a seat next to me for you.
— Robin Schwartz

In Kol Ami, we have found a home that embodies our Jewish traditions and culture while fostering the love, kindness, compassion and respect that we value for our family. We are so grateful for the meaningful and supportive relationships that have grown from this community!
—The Baron Family

We are founding members of Congregation Kol Ami. We have two children in Religious School. Since joining, we have been inspired and educated by our wonderful clergy. Our family is actively involved with Hebrew school, Social Action, Sisterhood, the Men’s softball team, youth groups, family programming, and so much more. We are happy to call Kol Ami our second home.
— The Riviello Family

My family and I enjoy taking part in the many different ways to be involved. You will see us at most Shabbat services, volunteering at family programs, and enjoying all aspects of our Kol Ami community. I am grateful for the many aspects of congregational life offered. I cherish the bonds of friendship we have developed and I look forward to connecting with new congregants I have yet to meet. At Kol Ami there are new opportunities around every corner to bring together individuals from all ages and stages. As a chair on the Ritual Committee, I feel supported to be the best version of myself. “Congregation Kol Ami grounds us in wisdom, supports us in a time of need and celebrates with us in life events.” For myself and my family this is so very true.
— Sue Marinoff

We look forward to seeing YOU in our hallways soon!
For membership information, to schedule a tour, or to join us for Shabbat services, contact Ruth Scott at 856-489-0029.