RS: Grades 8-12

Grades 8-12
exploring personal connection to the jewish faith
The Kol Ami Religious School program boasts an exciting curriculum which fosters a love of Judaism, embracing inclusivity, spirituality, creativity, and pride in being Jewish.
Hebrew High School
The Hebrew High School program is designed to allow Jewish teenagers to explore their religion, gain a deeper connection to their faith and synagogue family, and to ultimately embody our congregational values; of avodah (exploration of pray), talmud Torah (Torah learning), tikkun olam (repairing/healing the world), and acts of g’milut chasadim (loving kindness), in their daily lives. Every grade will have a core class and an elective that will change three times throughout the year.
Eighth & Ninth Grades
Pre-Confirmation curriculum is designed with the goal of embracing one’s Jewish identity through innovative, experiential, and compelling educational programming focused on engaging students through memorable experiences.
Tenth Grade
Our Confirmation program focuses on major issues and topics in Jewish tradition and contemporary Jewish life. Under the leadership of Rabbi Frenkel, along with master teachers, the curriculum is divided among Prayer study, Reform Judaism, and the Ten Commandments. Our class also travels together on a Confirmation class trip to Israel.
Eleventh & Twelfth Grades
Post-Confirmation curriculum is intended to equip students with the knowledge and skill sets necessary to navigate their world away from home as confident Jewish adults. By engaging students in challenging conversations and in-depth discussions of relevant topics of study students will gain the ability to reason and challenge others in peaceful discourse with Jewish ethics and values.
Shabbat Evening Service: Hebrew High School Graduation
Congregation Kol Ami