RS: Grades 3-6

Grades 3-6
Delving deeper into Torah, Jewish history, and Tikkun olam
The Kol Ami Religious School program boasts an exciting curriculum which fosters a love of Judaism, embracing inclusivity, spirituality, creativity, and pride in being Jewish.
Third Grade
This curriculum the students will delve into Torah stories from many perspectives through discussion, debate, and drama. They will analyze the major characters from these stories and identify the Jewish Values and how they relate to each story as well as their own life. They will use games, art, and collaborative learning as they explore all the different mitzvot and middot. Students will continue to celebrate and learn the blessings for each holiday. The highlight of this year is that the third graders oversee our front desk Lego Board that they will change throughout the year to go along with different holidays and themes.
Fourth Grade
Fourth grade students will delve into the Jewish life cycle events, learning the meaning and ritual of the different important events in a Jew’s life. They will experience this through experiential learning, hands on activities, and special speakers. They will continue with the stories of the Bible as well as delve deeper into the holidays, and tikkun olam. The highlight of fourth grade is when the students are presented with their very own personalized Siddur.
Fifth Grade
Students will learn about Jewish history and important people from the past. They will gain a better understanding of present-day Israel by studying its geography, social customs, challenges, and successes. Students will continue to explore the stories of the Bible including the Ten Commandments as well as focus on tikkun olam, repairing our world. The highlight of fifth grade is taking part in making their own tallit and the “Wrap with the Clergy” Program.
Sixth Grade
In this curriculum, the students will understand the settling of the Jews in America and how they became a vital part of American Society. They will also get the opportunity to explore their own family tree. The sixth grade will explore Jewish heroes that embody Jewish values and explore ways they can incorporate that into their daily lives. The highlight of sixth grade is that they will have an opportunity to take part in a variety of trips and mitzvah projects in the community.
Shabbat Evening Service: Hebrew High School Graduation
Congregation Kol Ami