RS: Pre K - Grade 2

Pre-Kindergaten through Grade 2
Introducing Judaism to our youngest members
The Kol Ami Religious School program boasts an exciting curriculum which fosters a love of Judaism, embracing inclusivity, spirituality, creativity, and pride in being Jewish.
Our youngest students are introduced to Religious School with a twice a month program to help them build a sense of community and identification with Judaism. They sing songs, do holiday and Torah crafts, and listen to stories about Jewish values that are at their heart – like kindness, courage, and determination. They will have music, art, and storytelling/library to enhance their program. When you peek into the class of our Pre-K you will see smiles, hear singing, and watch as the students experience the joy of being Jewish.
We use this year to introduce our students to the school and to make them comfortable in the synagogue and excited about Jewish learning. The curriculum emphasizes Jewish holidays and mitzvot, introduction to Torah stories, and Israel. The program is enhanced with music, songs, art projects, and fun activities. The highlight of this year is Consecration in which students receive their own mini-Torah and lead the congregation in song and Prayer during the Simchat Torah service.
First Grade
This curriculum is based on the theme of discovering our wonderful Jewish traditions. They will explore Bible stories, the synagogue, Israel, and the concept of Tzedakah. They will explore each of these topics using their 5 senses as well as art, music, and hands on activities. Students will also get an introduction to the Aleph Bet and learn some basic Hebrew phrases. The highlight of this year is their “trip” to Israel, without ever leaving their classroom!
Second Grade
During second grade, they will go more in depth learning with the Aleph Bet, do hands-on activities to engage with each letter; and practice writing and pronouncing the letters. In addition, students will continue to learn the stories from the Bible, go deeper into the Jewish holidays, and continue to build a connection to Israel. The highlight of this grade is they will have the chance to work in person with teenagers from Israel.
Shabbat Evening Service: Hebrew High School Graduation
Congregation Kol Ami