Monthly Mussar Moments
Monthly Mussar Moments with Rabbi Milan-Polisar
Mondays according to schedule, 12:00-1:00 pm (Zoom only)
Rabbi Milan-Polisar’s monthly Zoom-only lunch time sessions on Mussar continue. Even if you have a “day job,” we hope you can make the time to join us for these enlightening conversations. Each session will focus on a different middah (character trait), and you are welcome to attend every session or drop in when you can. Much of the source material comes from Alan Morinis’ book, Everyday Holiness.
This series is offered at no charge to congregants and $10/session for non-members.
Registration is required to receive Zoom information.
Series Schedule:
September 9
October 14
November 4
December 9
January 13
February 10
March 10
April 7
May 12
June 9